
Special Section on Recent Progress in Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications


The pdf file of the Call-for-Papers is found here.

We are pleased to announce the special section of the IEICE's journal, "Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE," to be published in October 2014. The major part of this section will address recent progress in the field of nonlinear theory and its applications. The topics of interest within the scope of this section include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

Chaos and BifurcationsChaotic Neural NetworksCircuits and Systems
OscillationsCellular Neural NetworksSelf-Validating Numerics
SynchronizationLearning and MemoryModeling and Simulations
Coupled OscillatorsPrediction and IdentificationLarge-Scale Networks
CommunicationsImage and Signal ProcessingAnalog and Digital ICs
Chua's CircuitsNeuro DynamicsDistributed Networks
ControlEvolutionary ComputationPower Systems
Complex SystemsOptimizationRobotics
Applied MathematicsEconomicsPhysics
Biomedical Data ProcessingBiomedical EngineeringBioinformatics
Complex NetworksComputational NeuroscienceSocial Dynamics

The submitted papers are edited by the Editorial Committee of the Special Section. The deadline of the paper submission is January 10, 2014. Prospective authors should follow the submission process described below:

  • Prepare manuscripts according to the guidelines described in the IEICE web-page. The LaTeX style file and template file can be downloaded from this page. Papers do not usually exceed 30 pages of an A4-sized PDF file.
  • Submit manuscripts through the IEICE paper submission system. Authors should choose [Special-NL] Recent Progress in Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications as a Journal/ Section on the line screen. Do not choose [Regular-EN].
  • Send Copyright Transfer and Page Charge Agreement and Confirmation Sheet of Manuscript Registration by E-mail, FAX or postal mail to the following address:
  • Dr. Yoshihiko Susuki
  • Affiliation: Department of Electrical Engineering, Kyoto University
  • Postal Address: Katsura, Nishikyo, Kyoto 615-8510, Japan
  • E-mail Address: click here
  • TEL #: +81-75-383-2243
  • FAX #: +81-75-383-2240 (please attach a cover sheet indicating the sender's name)

Each article published in this Special Section are charged until 30 pages:

  • One of the authors is a member of IEICE: 60,000 JPY
  • Otherwise: 65,000 JPY

Editorial Committee of the Special Section

Guest EditorsVakhtang PutkaradzeUniversity of Alberta
Yuzuru SatoHokkaido University
Guest Associate EditorsKen'ichi FujimotoThe University of Tokushima
Masayuki KimuraThe University of Shiga Prefecture
Takuji KousakaOita University
Yoshito HirataThe University of Tokyo
Juan M. RestrepoUniversity of Arizona
Ryo TakahashiKyoto University
Associate Editors of NOLTA, IEICEKeiji KonishiOsaka Prefecture University
Visarath InSPAWAR Systems Center Pacific
Masayuki SatoKanazawa University
Michael SmallThe University of Western Australia
Secretary of NOLTA, IEICEHiroyuki TorikaiKyoto Sangyo University
Secretary of the Special SectionYoshihiko SusukiKyoto University

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Last-modified: 2013-11-19 (Tue) 08:31:01 (4103d)