2013 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA2013)


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Invitation to NOLTA2013

The 2013 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA2013) will be held at Santa Fe, USA, September 8-11, 2013. The objective of the symposium is to provide a forum for exchange of the latest results related to nonlinear theory and its applications. This symposium will be designed to encourage the creation of new inter-continental collaborative initiatives.

The NOLTA is hosted by Research Society of Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, IEICE, in cooperation with Technical Group on Nonlinear Problems, IEICE, Technical Group on Circuits and Systems, IEICE, and IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.

Special Theme of NOLTA2013: Uncertainty Quantification, Nonlinearity and Multiscale Phenomena

In addition to the traditional NOLTA topics, this conference will feature new focus areas: Uncertainty Quantification (UQ), Nonlinearity and Multiscale Phenomena. The conference will include experts in the science and mathematics of problems that live in the intersection of the deterministic and stochastic realms. The conference will include tutorials and discussion sessions in UQ and Multiscale techniques, in addition to novel contributions in these areas. NOLTA2013 welcomes scientists, mathematicians, engineers and statisticians and contributions that encompass scientific computing, experiments, theory.

Papers describing original results in all areas of traditional NOLTA focus are invited; these include regular topics of NOLTA (but are not limited to):

Chaos and BifurcationsChaotic Neural NetworksCircuits and Systems
OscillationsCellular Neural NetworksSelf-Validating Numerics
SynchronizationLearning and MemoryModeling and Simulations
Coupled OscillatorsPrediction and IdentificationLarge-Scale Networks
CommunicationsImage and Signal ProcessingAnalog and Digital ICs
Chua’s CircuitsNeuro DynamicsDistributed Networks
ControlEvolutionary ComputationPower Systems
Complex SystemsOptimizationRobotics
Applied MathematicsEconomicsPhysics
Biomedical Data ProcessingBiomedical EngineeringBioinformatics
Complex NetworksComputational NeuroscienceSocial Dynamics

Visitors (since October 9, 2012)

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Today: 5

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Attach file: filesculpture.jpg 972 download [Information] fileNOLTA13CFP02.pdf 1357 download [Information] fileNOLTA13CFP03.pdf 2205 download [Information] filetop_1_date.jpg 1112 download [Information] filetop_1.jpg 1055 download [Information] fileNOLTA13CFP01.pdf 2190 download [Information] fileNOLTA2013_SS_Proposal.docx 2729 download [Information] fileC3.jpg 1033 download [Information]

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Last-modified: 2013-11-19 (Tue) 08:37:50 (4103d)