International Workshop on Chaos & Nonlinear Dynamics in Asuka
English version

Click here to see poster (240kB).


場所:奈良県高市郡明日香村稲淵 関西大学飛鳥文化研究所・植田記念館

Invited Speakers

Professor R.H.Abraham "Chaos theory and morphogenesis"
Professor M.J.Feigenbaum "Finiteness and Pattern Selection"
Professor K.Kaneko "Developmental Cell Biology as Open Dynamical Systems"
Professor Y.Kuramoto "Different forms of chemical turbulence"
Professor T.Y.Li "Stochastic aspect of chaotic dynamics"
Professor C.Mira "Pockets of reducible fractional harmonics and Arnold's tongues"
Professor F.C.Moon "Chaos in the Dynamics of Complex Machines"
Professor O.E.Roessler "The Mental Imagery behind Screw-Type Chaos"
Dr. H.B.Stewart "Validation of dynamical simulations using control-phase portraits"
Professor Y.Takahashi "Function dynamics from mathematical point of view"
Professor Y.Ueda "Reflections on the origin of the broken-egg chaotic attractor"
Professor J.A.Yorke "The Topology of Horseshoes"


Photographs (ID & Password are required)

Organizing Committee

Poster (about 240kBytes)

Video Tape List



参加費の払い込み, 宿泊申し込みについて

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