
Tentative Program
10/7 Evening 19:30-20:30 Welcome Party (at Workshop Site)

10/8 Morning (10:00-11:40)
10:00-10:15 Professor K. Okumura Opening Address
10:15-10:30 Professor K. Aihara Message from IEICE Technical group on Nonlinear Problems
cancelled. Professor R. H. Abraham "Chaos theory and morphogenesis"
10:30-11:40 Professor Y. Takahashi "Function dynamics from mathematical point of view"

10/8 Afternoon (13:30-17:50)
13:30-14:40 Professor F. C. Moon "Chaos in the Dynamics of Complex Machines"
15:10-16:20 Professor K. Kaneko "Developmental Cell Biology as Open Dynamical System"
16:40-17:50 Dr. H. B. Stewart "Validation of dynamical simulations using control-phase portraits"
cancelled. Professor O. E. Roessler "The Mental Imagery behind Screw-Type Chaos"

10/9 Morning (9:00-12:00)
9:00-10:10 Professor C. Mira "Pockets of reducible fractional harmonics and Arnold's tongues"
10:30-11:40 Professor T. Y. Li "Stochastic aspect of chaotic dynamics"

10/9 Afternoon (12:50-18:20)
12:50-14:00 Professor Y. Kuramoto "Different forms of chemical turbulence"
14:10-15:20 Professor M. J. Feigenbaum "Finiteness and Pattern Selection"
15:50-17:00 Professor J. A. Yorke "The Instabilities of Chaos"
17:10-18:20 Professor Y. Ueda "Reflections on the origin of the broken-egg chaotic attractor"

10/9 Evening 18:45-20:45 Banquet
Professor Y. Ueda A speech of gratitude
Professor T. Kohda A speech from organizing committee

10/10 Morning (9:30-11:30)
9:30- Free Discussion

10/10 Afternoon (13:00-16:00) Excursion to Historic Scenes in Asuka (Limited to the guest persons)