
|2007年8月1日|Dr. M. J. Ogorzalek (AGH Univ. Sci. and Tech.)|
|時間・場所|13:30-15:00 京都大学桂キャンパス A1棟講義室2|
|題目|Fractals for electronic design|
|あらまし|Geometric objects possessing properties impossible to describe using Euclidean notion of dimensionality are wide-spread in nature and are also encountered in many scientific experiments.  Mathematical description of such objects has been focus of research for very long time - probably starting with the works of Georg Cantor, through von Koch to Julia/Fatou and Sierpinski just to name the most important contributors.  The notion of fractal was coined by B. Mandelbrot and it is used for description of structures having non-integer dimension. Fractal geometric objects have several intriguing properties apart from its non-integer dimension, namely they can have finite area while showing infinite perimeter or infinite area for a finite volume object. They show also the self-similarity property - similar fine structure observed at any magnification scale. These fundamental properties of fractal objects can found very interesting applications in electical and electronic engineering. We present some of the most spectacular of these applications: 1). fabrication of very large capacitances thanks to technological possibilities of making huge conducting areas in a limited volume; 2).  enhancement of attainable capacitance values in IC design thanks to usage of lateral capacitances obtained by fractioning the available chip area; 3). Fabrication of multiband antennas with improved impedance matching in a very small volume exploiting the self-similar properties of meandring structures and packaging of very long wires in a small volume. Some of these applications came now to mass production.|

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