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- K.Yamasue, K.Kobayashi, H.Yamada, K.Matsushige, and T.Hikihara, Controlling chaos in dynamic-mode atomic force microscope, Physics Letters A, Vol.373, Issue 35, 3140-3144 (2009). doi
- T.Funaki, H.Arioka, and T.Hikihara, The influence of parasitic components on power MOSFET switching operation in power conversion circuits, IEICE ELEX, Vol. 6, No. 23 pp.1697-1701 (2009). doi
- Nathabhat Phankong, Tsuyoshi Funaki, Takashi Hikihara, Characterization of the gate-voltage dependency of input capacitance in a SiC MOSFET, IEICE ELEX, April 10, Vol.7, No.7, 480-486 (2010). doi
- Nathabhat Phankong, Tsuyoshi Funaki, Takashi Hikihara, Switching characteristics of lateral-type and vertical-type SiC JFETs depending on their internal parasitic capacitances, IEICE ELEX, Vo;.7, No.4, 1051-1057 (2010). doi
- Munehisa Sekikawa, Naohiko Inaba, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, and Takashi Hikihara, Period-Doubling Cascades of Canards from the Extended Bonhoeffer-van der Pol Oscillator, Physics Letters A, Volume 374, Issue 36, 3745-3751 (2010). doi
- ²£°æ͵°ì¡¤°ú¸¶Î´»Î¡¤¥Ñ¥é¥á¥È¥ê¥Ã¥¯¿¶»Ò¤Î¼þ´ü²óž¤Ø¤Î»ÏÆ°À©¸æ¡¤¥·¥¹¥Æ¥àÀ©¸æ¾ðÊó³Ø²ñÏÀʸ»ï, Vol.24,No.3, pp.54-60 (2011).¡ÊÏÀʸ¾Þ¡Ë doi
- Takashi Hikihara and Yuzo Murakami, Regulation of Parallel Converters with Respect to Stored Energy and Passivity Characteristics, IEICE, Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences IEICE Trans. E94, No.3, pp.1010-1014 (2011). doi
- Yoshihiko Susuki, Igor Mezic, and Takashi Hikihara, Coherent Swing Instability of Power Grids, Journal of Nonlinear Science volume 21, pages403–439 (2011). doi
- Suketu Naik and Takashi Hikihara, Characterization of a MEMS resonator with extended hysteresis, IEICE ELEX,Vol.8, No.5, pp.291-298. doi
- Yuuichi Yokoi and Takashi Hikihara, Tolerance of start-up control of rotation in parametric pendulum by delayed feedback, Physics Letters A, 375, 17, 1779-1783 (2011). doi
- Takuno Takuno, Yutaro Kitamori, Ryo Takahashi, and Takashi Hikihara, AC Power Routing System in Home Based on Demand and Supply Utilizing Distributed Power Sources, Energies 4(5) 717-726 (2011). (Best Paper Award 2015) doi
- Yu Takatsuji, Yoshihiko Susuki, Takashi Hikihara, Hybrid Controller for Safe Microgrid Operation, Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, Vol. 2, No. 3 pp.347-362 (2011). doi
- A. Castellazzi, T. Takuno, R. Ohnishi, T.Funaki, T.Kimoto, and T.Hikiihara, A study of SiC Power BJT performance and robustness, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 51, Iss. 9–11, September–November 2011, 1773-1777. doi
- Y. Susuki, T. J. Koo, H. Ebina, T. Yamazaki, T. Ochi, T. Uemura, and T. Hikihara, A Hybrid System Approach to the Analysis and Design of Power Grid Dynamic Performance, Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume 100, Issue 1, 225-239 (2012). doi
- Suketu Naik, Takashi Hikihara, Antonio Palacios, Visarath In, Huy Vu, and Patrick Longhini, Characterization of Synchronization in a Unidirectionally Coupled System of Nonlinear Micromechanical Resonators, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 171(2), 361-369, November (2011). doi
- Suketu Naik, Takashi Hikihara, Huy Vu, Antonio Palacios, Visarath In, and Patrick Longhini, Local Bifurcations of Synchronization in Self-excited and Forced Unidirectionally Coupled Micromechanical Resonators, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331(5), 1127-1142, February (2012). doi
- Masataka Minami and Takashi Hikihara, Reconstitution of Potential Function by Power Spectra of Trajectories in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, IEICE EA (2), 613-616. doi
- Masayuki Kimura, Takashi Hikihara, Experimental manipulation of intrinsic localized modes in macro-mechanical system, Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE Vol. 3, No. 2 pp.233-245 (2012). doi
- Ryo Takahashi, Tsuguhiro Takuno and Takashi Hikihara, Estimation of Power Packet Transfer Properties on Indoor Power Line Channel, Energies, 5(7), 2141-2149 (2012). doi
- Atsushi Yao and Takashi Hikihara, Reading and writing operations of memory device in micro-electromechanical resonator, ELEX, IEICE Vol. 9, No. 14, pp. 1230-1236 (2012). doi
- Æî À¯¹§, °ú¸¶ δ»Î, ¼õÆ°À¤Ë´ð¤Å¤¯Ê¬»¶·¿ÅŸ»¤ÎÇÛÅÅ·ÏÅýÏ¢·ÏÀ©¸æÊý¼°¤Ë´Ø¤¹¤ë¸¡Æ¤, ¥·¥¹¥Æ¥àÀ©¸æ¾ðÊó³Ø²ñÏÀʸ»ï, Vol. 25, No. 10, pp. 257-265, October (2012). pdf
- T. Hikihara, P. Holmes, T. Kambe, G. Rega, Introduction to the focus issue: Fifty years of chaos: Applied and theoretical, Chaos, 2012, Vol. 22, No.4, p. 047501. doi
- Akihiro Yamamoto, Masayuki Kimura, Takashi Hikihara, Indirect magnetic suspension by an actively controlled permanent magnet, Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, Vol. 4 , No. 3, 284-298 (2013). doi
- ÆîÀ¯¹§¡¤°ú¸¶Î´»Î¡¤Ê¬»¶·¿ÅŸ»¤Î¼õÆ°À¤Ë´ð¤Å¤¯ÌÜɸÃÍÄɽ¾¤ª¤è¤Ó·ÏÅýÏ¢·ÈÀ©¸æ¼êË¡¡¼½Ö»þÅÅ°µÄã²¼¤ÎÂÑÀ¤Ë¤Ä¤¤¤Æ¡¼¡¤Åŵ¤³Ø²ñÏÀʸ»ïD¡¤Vol.133, No. 7, 685-691(2013). doi
- So Miyatake, Yoshihiko Susuki, Takashi Hikihara, Syuichi Itoh, and Kenichi Tanaka, Discharge characteristics of multicell lithium-ion battery with nonuniform cells, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 241, 736-743(2013). doi
- Yoshihiko Susuki, Ryoya Kazaoka, and Takashi Hikihara, Physical architecture and model-based evaluation of electric power system with multiple homes, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E96-A No. 8, 1703-1711(2013). doi
- Atsushi Yao and Takashi Hikihara, Counter operation in nonlinear micro-electro-mechanical resonators, Physics Letters A Volume 377, Issue 38, pp. 2551–2555, 2013. doi
- Ryo Takahashi, Yutaro Kitamori, and Takashi Hikihara , AC Power Local Network with Multiple Power Routers, Energies, 6(12), 6293-6303 (2013). doi
- Alexandros Kordonis and Takashi HIkihara, Harmonic Reduction and Chaotic Operation towards Application of AC/AC Converter with Feedback Control, IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Science, Vol. E97-A, No.3, pp.840-847 (2014). doi
- ÆìÅÄ¿®ºÈ¡¤¹â¶¶Î¼¡¤°ú¸¶Î´»Î¡¤ ÅÅÎϥѥ±¥Ã¥È¤Ë¤è¤ë¥¨¥Í¥ë¥®¡¼É½¸½¤ÎÁ²¶áŪÀ¼Á¡¤ ÅŻҾðÊóÄÌ¿®³Ø²ñÏÂʸÏÀʸ»ï, Vol.J97-A,No.9,pp.584-592 (2014)¡ÊÏÀʸ¾Þ¡¤´î°ÂÁ±»Ô¾Þ¡Ë
- Madoka Kubota, Vakhtang Putkradze, and Takashi Hikihara, "Energy absorption at synchronization in phase between coupled Duffing systems", International Journal of Dynamics and Control (IJDY), Vol. 3, 189–194 (2015). doi
- À±Ìî¸÷¡¤ÇöÎÉɧ¡¤°ú¸¶Î´»Î¡¤2¥µ¥¤¥ÈÃÏ°èÅÅÇ®¶¡µë¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¤Î°ÂÄêÀ ¡¼Ç®Í»ÄÌ»ØÎáÃͤΥ¹¥Æ¥Ã¥×¾õÊѲ½¤ËÂФ¹¤ë¿ôÃÍŪ¸¡Æ¤¡¤¥·¥¹¥Æ¥àÀ©¸æ¾ðÊó³Ø²ñÏÀʸ»ï¡¤Vol.27, No.11, pp.452-460 (2014).¡ÊÏÀʸ¾Þ¡Ë doi
- Atsushi Yao and Takashi Hikihara, "Logic-Memory Device of a Mechanical Resonator", Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 123104 (2014) doi
- Yanzi Zhou, Ryo Takahashi, and Takashi Hikihara, "Realization of Autonomous Clock Synchronization for Power Packet Dispatching", IEICE Trans. A, Vol.E98-A, No.2, pp.749-753 (2015). doi
- R.Takahashi, K.Tashiro, and T.Hikihara, "Router for Power Packet Distribution Network: Design and Experimental Verification", IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, Vol.6, No.2, pp.618-626 (2015). doi
- Alexandros Kordonis and Takashi Hikihara, "Dynamic model of direct matrix converter and its experimental validation", Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl., Vol.44, Iss.1, 213-225.(2015). doi
- Madoka Kubota, Ryo Takahashi, and Takashi Hikihara, Active and Reactive Power in Stochastic Resonance for Energy Harvesting, IEICE Transactions 98-A(7): 1537-1539 (2015)¡¥ doi
- »³¸ý ²Âɧ, Çö ÎÉɧ, °ú¸¶ δ»Î, Ê£¿ô²ÈÄí¤Ç¹½À®¤µ¤ì¤ëÅÅÎÏ¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¤ÎÃßÅÅÃÓ¤òÍѤ¤¤¿½ÐÎÏÊ¿³ê²½À©¸æ, ¥·¥¹¥Æ¥àÀ©¸æ¾ðÊó³Ø²ñÏÀʸ»ï, Vol.28, No.7, 299-309 (2015). doi
- Alexandros Kordonis , Ryo Takahashi, Daichi Nishihara, and Takashi Hikihara, Three-Phase Power Router and its Operation with Matrix Converter toward Smart-Grid Applications, Energies, 8, 3034-3046 (2015). doi
- Kohei Nagaoka, Kentaro Chikamatsu, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Ken Nakahara, and Takashi Hikihara, High-speed gate drive circuit for SiC MOSFET by GaN HEMT, IEICE Electronics Express
Vol. 12, No. 11 pp. 20150285 (2015).doi pdf
- Yanzi Zhou, Ryo Takahashi, Naoaki Fujii, and Takashi Hikihara, Power Packet Dispatching with Second-Order Clock Synchronization, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol.44, Iss.3, 729-743 (2016). doi
- Fredric Raak, Yoshihiko Susuki, and Takashi HIkihara, Data-driven partitioning of power networks via Koopman mode analysis, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Vol.31, Iss.4 (July, 2016)doi
- H. Hoshino, Y. Susuki, and T. Hikiahra, A Lumped-Parameter Model of Multiscale Dynamics in Steam Supply Systems, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 11(6), 061018 (2016). doi
- Yanzi Zhou, Ryo Takahashi, and Takashi Hikihara, Power Packet Dispatching with Features on Safety, NOLTA, IEICE, Vol.7, No.2, 250-265 (2016.4.1). doi
- Edmon Perkins, Masayuki Kimura, Takashi Hikihara, and Balakumar Balachandran, Eects of Noise on Symmetric Intrinsic Localized Modes, Nonlinear Dynamics, 85(1)(Mar. 2016).doi
- Yoshihiko Susuki, Igor Mezic, Fredric. Raak, and Takashi Hikihara, Applied Koopman operator theory for power systems technology, Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, Vol. 7(4), 430-459 (2016). doi
- Ryo Takahashi, Shunichi Azuma, and Talkashi Hikihara, Power Regulation with Predictive Dynamic Quantizer in Power Packet Dispatching System, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 63(12), pp.7653-7661 (July 18, 2016). doi
- Shinya Nawata, Ryo Takahashi, and Takashi Hikihara, "Up-stream Dispatching of Power by Density of Power Packet" IEICE Trans. Vol.E99-A, No.12, pp.2581-2584 (Dec. 1, 2016). doi
- Masayuki Kimura, Yasuo Matsushita, Takashi Hikihara, Parametric resonance of intrinsic localized modes in coupled cantilever arrays, Physics Letters A, 380, 2823–2827(2016). doi
- Atsushi Yao and Takashi Hikihara, Reprogrammable logic-memory device of a mechanical resonator, International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, Vol.94, 406-416 (2017). doi
- Ryo TAKAHASHI, Shun-ichi AZUMA, Mikio HASEGAWA, Hiroyasu ANDO, and Takashi HIKIHARA, Power Processing for Advanced Power Distribution and Control, IEICE Transaction B Position Paper. doi
- Michihiro Shintani, Yohei Nakamura, Masayuki Hiromoto, Takashi Hikihara, and Takashi Sato:
¡ÈMeasurement and Modeling on Gate-Drain Capacitance of Silicon Carbide Vertical MOSFET,¡É
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.56, No.4S, 04CR07. doi
- ²ÏÌîÍÎÊ¿¡¤ÇöÎÉɧ¡¤ÎÓÅĸ÷µª¡¤°ú¸¶Î´»Î¡¤¡É¥Ó¥ëÆ⥢¥È¥ê¥¦¥à¤ÎÇ®°ÜÆ°¥â¥Ç¥ê¥ó¥°¤Ø¤Î¥¯¡¼¥×¥Þ¥ó¥â¡¼¥Éʬ²ò¤ÎŬÍÑ---I---¾®¥¹¥±¡¼¥ëή®¾ì¤Ë¤è¤ë͸úÇ®³È»¶¡É¡¤·×¬¼«Æ°À©¸æ³Ø²ñÏÀʸ½¸¡¤V0l.53, No.2, 123--133 (2017)¡¥ doi
- ²ÏÌîÍÎÊ¿¡¤ÇöÎÉɧ¡¤°ú¸¶Î´»Î¡¤¡É¥Ó¥ëÆ⥢¥È¥ê¥¦¥à¤ÎÇ®°ÜÆ°¥â¥Ç¥ê¥ó¥°¤Ø¤Î¥¯¡¼¥×¥Þ¥ó¥â¡¼¥Éʬ²ò¤ÎŬÍÑ---II---Â祹¥±¡¼¥ëή®¾ì¤Ë¤è¤ë°Üή¡É¡¤·×¬¼«Æ°À©¸æ³Ø²ñÏÀʸ»ï¡¤V0l.53, No.2, 188--197 (2017). doi
- À±Ìî¸÷¡¤ÇöÎÉɧ¡¤T.J.Koo¡¤°ú¸¶Î´»Î¡¤2 ¥µ¥¤¥ÈÃϰ襨¥Í¥ë¥®¡¼¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¤Ë¤ª¤±¤ë¥³¡¼¥¸¥§¥Í¥ì¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó¥æ¥Ë¥Ã¥È¤ÎÈóÀþ·ÁÀ©¸æ ¡½Åŵ¤¤ª¤è¤Ó¥¬¥¹¥Õ¥í¡¼¤ÎƱ»þÄ´À°¡¤¥·¥¹¥Æ¥àÀ©¸æ¾ðÊó³Ø²ñÏÀʸ»ï¡¤Vo.30, No.5, pp.157-166 (2017).
- ã·Æ£»Ê, ÇöÎÉɧ, °ú¸¶Î´»Î¡¤²ÈÄíÆâÅÅÎÏ¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¤Î½ÐÎÏÊ¿½à²½¤Î¤¿¤á¤Î¥â¡¼¥É¥¹¥¤¥Ã¥Á¥ó¥°À©¸æ:¼Âµ¡¼Â¸³¤ÈÀǽɾ²Á¡¤ÅŻҾðÊóÄÌ¿®³Ø²ñÏÀʸ»ïA, Vol. J100-A, No.5, pp.183-194 (2017). repository
- Shiu Mochiyama, Ryo Takahashi, and Takashi Hikihara, Trajectory control of manipulator fed by power packets, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol.45, no.6, pp.832--842, (2017). doi
- Shiu Mochiyama, Ryo Takahashi, and Takashi Hikihara, Close-loop Angle Control of Stepper Motor Fed by Power Packets, IEICE Trans. A, Vol.E100-A,No.7,pp.1571-1574, Jul. 2017. doi
- ÃæÌîÀµ»Ì¡¤°ú¸¶Î´»Î¡¤±Êµ×¼§ÀХ⡼¥¿¤Î¥¤¥ó¥Ô¡¼¥À¥ó¥¹¤òÍѤ¤¤¿¥¥ã¥ê¥¢¹âÄ´ÇȤˤè¤ë²óž»Ò±²ÅÅή»¤Î·×»»¼êË¡¡¤Åŵ¤³Ø²ñÏÀʸ»ïD, Vol.137, No.8, pp.663-672 (2017). doi
- Fredrik Raak, Yoshihiko Susuki, Kazuhisa Tsuboki, Masaya Kato, and Takashi Hikihara, Quantifying Smoothing Effects of Wind Power via Koopman Mode Decomposition: A Numerical Test with Wind Speed Predictions in Japan, NOLTA, IEICE (accepted). doi
- Toko Mannari and Takashi Hikihara, Transient Behavior of Redox Flow Battery Connected to Circuit Based on Global Phase Structure, NOLTA, IEICE, Volume 9, Issue 1, 137-147 (2018) . doi
- Rochelle Nieuwenhuis, Madoka Kubota, M. R. Flynnc, Masayuki Kimura, Takashi Hikihara, and Vakhtang Putkaradze, Dynamics regularization with tree-like structures, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 55, Pages 205-223 (2018). doi
- Ryosuke Meda, Takafumi Okuda, Takashi Hikihra, Analysis of ynamic characteristics of SiC SBDs at high switching frequency based on junction capacitance, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57(4S):04FF01. doi
- ±üÅĵ®»Ë¡¤°ú¸¶Î´»Î¡¤ÂçÅÅÎϹ⮥ѥ륹À¸À®´ï¤Ë¤è¤ë¥ª¥·¥í¥¹¥³¡¼¥×¤Î¥¹¥¥å¡¼ÊäÀµ¡¤Åŵ¤³Ø²ñÏÀʸ»ïC, Vol.138, No.1, pp.37-40 (2018). doi
- M.Shintani, Y. Nakamura, K.Oishi, M. Hiromoto, T.Hikihara, and T.Sato, "Surface-Potential-Based Silicon Carbide Power MOSFET Model for Circuit Simulation", IEEE Trans. Power Electronics (2018.2.13). doi
- Shinya Nawata, Ryo Takahashi, and Takashi Hikihara, "Design possibility for covert power packet transfer using asynchronous sampling", NOLTA, IEICE, Vol. 9 Issue 3, pp. 374-381 (2018). doi
- Shinya Nawata, Atsuto Maki, Takashi Hikihara, Power packet transferability via symbol propagation matrix, Proc. R. Soc. A 2018 474 20170552. doi Published 16 May 2018.pdf
- Yohei Kono, Yoshihiko Susuki, Mitsunori Hayashida, Igor Mezi¡c, and Takashi Hikihara, Multiscale Modeling of In-Room Temperature Distribution with Human Occupancy Data: A Practical Case Study, Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 11, 2, 145-163 (2018). doi
- Manuel Sanchez, Takafumi Okuda, and Takashi Hikihara, "Stabilization of Mode in Imbalanced Operation of Matrix Converter by Time-Delayed Feedback Control" , International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, John Wiley doi
- Manuel Sanchez and Takashi Hikihara, Symmetry Recovering of an AC/AC Converter Working in a Chaotic Regime, NOLTA, IEICE¡¤Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp.131-139 (2019). doi
- Shiu Mochiyama and Takashi Hikihara, Packet-based feedback control of electrical drive and its application to trajectory tracking of manipulator, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol.47, Iss. 4, 612-632 (2019). doi
- Ä«»³Ï¹ᡤ°ú¸¶Î´»Î¡¤¥Þ¥¤¥¯¥í¥°¥ê¥Ã¥É±¿ÍѤËÂФ¹¤ë²ÄÅþ㽸¹ç¤ÎÍøÍÑ¡¤¥·¥¹¥Æ¥àÀ©¸æ¾ðÊó³Ø²ñÏÀʸ»ï, Vol.63, No. 4, 137-144 (2019).doi
- ÊÒ»³¿µ¼£, ¹â¶¶Î¼, °ú¸¶Î´»Î, "ÅÅÎϥѥ±¥Ã¥ÈÅÁÁ÷¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¤Ë¤ª¤±¤ëʬ»¶ÅÅÎϼûµëÀ©¸æ¤Î̵Àþ¤òÍѤ¤¤¿¼Âµ¡¸¡¾Ú", ÅŻҾðÊóÄÌ¿®³Ø²ñÏÀʸ»ï A Vol. J102–A No. 9 pp. 240–248 (2019) IEICE
- Toko Mannari; Takafumi Okuda, Takashi Hikihara, Model for charging/discharging dynamics of cells in redox flow battery with transport delay, Pyisica Scripta Volume 94, 1-9 (2019). doi
- Fredrik Raak, Yoshihiko Susuki, Shinya Eguchi, and Takashi Hikihara, Role of deterministic electromechanical conversion in short-term wind power fluctuations: A case study in Japan, Physical Review Applied, Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 034013 (2019). doi
- Hoshino H, Susuki Y, John Koo TT, Hikihara T. Structural Analysis and Control of a Model of Two-Site Electricity and Heat Supply. ASME. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. 2019;141(10):101004. doi
- Rutivika Manohar and Takashi Hikihara, Dynamic behaviour of a ring coupled boost converter system with passivity-based control, NOLTA, IEICE, Vol. 11, Iss. 1, pp. 109-122 (2020)¡¥ doi
- Yuma Murakawa, Yohei Sadanda, and Takashi Hikihara, Parallelization of Boost and Buck Type DC-DC Converters by Individual Passivity-Based Control, IEICE Trans. A Vol.E103-A, No.3, pp.589-595 (2020). doi
- Naomitsu Yoshida, Ryo Takahashi, and Takashi Hikihara, Power Regeneration from DC Motor with Bidirectional Router in Power Packet Dispatching System, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Express Letter (2020). doi
- Rutvika Manohar and Takashi Hikihara, Phase synchronization of autonomous AC grid system with passivity-based control, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications. doi
- Baek Seongcheol, Hiroyasu Ando, Takashi Hikihara, Consensus-Based Distribution of Power Packets and Decentralized Control for Routing, AIP, Chaos, 30, 033115 (2020) doi
- Kazuki Hashimoto, Takafumi Okuda, and Takashi Hikihara, Measurement of internal magnetic flux density distribution in air-core toroidal transformer under high-frequency excitation, Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 044703 (2020); doi
- Shinji Katayama and Takashi Hikihara, "Power packet router with power and signal switches for a single power packet", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs (2020) doi
- Rutvika Manohar and Takashi Hikihara, Phase synchronization of autonomous AC grid system with passivity-based control, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (2020.6.9). doi
- Shiu Mochiyama and Takashi Hikihara, Impulsive torque control of biped gait with power packets, Nonlinear Dynamics (2020.6.19). doi
- Manuel Sánchez Tejada, Takashi Hikihara, "The Broken Symmetry of Output Currents in a Matrix Converter and Its Recovery Control", Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, World Scientific, Vol.30, No.4, 2150072 (2020). doi
- Yanran Wang and Takashi Hikihara, "Two Dimensional Swarm Formation in Time-invariant External Potential: Modelling, Analysis, and Control¡É, AIP Chaos (2020). doi, arXiv
- Toko Mannari, Takafumi Okuda, and Takashi Hikihara, "Prediction of restriction in output current by reactant flow in redox flow battery for compensating load variations", International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications. doi
- Kazuki Hashimoto and Takashi Hikihara, "Equivalent Circuit of Interleaved Air-Core Toroidal Transformer Derived from Analogy with Coupled Transmission Lines", IEICE, ELEX, 17 Issue 21 Pages 20200262 (2020). doi
- Shiu Mochiyama, Takafumi Okuda, and Takashi Hikihara, "Power Packet Dispatching with Shared Power Line: Experimental Verification for Industrial Applications", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics (early published).pdf, doi
- Seongcheol Baek, Hiroyasu Ando, and Takashi Hikihara, "Decentralized Algorithms for Consensus-Based Power Packet Distribution", NOLTA,IEICE,Vol.12,No.2, pp.181 - 193 (2021). arXiv,doi
- Yuma Murakawa and Takashi Hikihara, "Output Series-Parallel Connection of Passivity-Based Controlled DC-DC Converters: Generalization of Asymptotic Stability", IEEE Trans. CAS I: Regular Papers, Vol. 68, Iss. 4, pp.1750 - 1759 (2021). arXiv, doi
- Shota Inagaki, Shiu Mochiyama, and Takashi Hikihara, "Electric Power Processing Using Logic Operation and Error Correction," Royal Society Open Science, Vol. 8, Iss. 7, 8202344 (2021.7.21). arXiv, doi
- Nobuo Sato, Jimin Oh, and Takashi Hikihara, "Photo radiation pressure at resonance of frequency modulated micro cantilever," NOLTA, IEICE, Vol.E12-N, No.4 (2021) doi.
- Hajime Takayama, Takafumi Okuda, and Takashi Hikihara, "Digital Active Gate Drive of SiC MOSFETs for Controlling Switching Behavior --- Preparation toward Universal Digitization of Power Switching", International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (2021,9,5). doi
- Shiu Mochiyama, Kazuhiro Koto, and Takashi Hikihara, Routing optimization on power packet dispatching system based on energy loss minimization, IEICE NOLTA, Volume 13 Issue 1 Pages 139-148 (2022.1.1).arXiv, doi
- Yohei Kono, Yoshihiko Susuki, and Takashi Hikihara, Characterizing scale dependence of effective diffusion driven by fluid flows, Phys. Rev. E 105, 045103 (2022.4.12). arXiv, doi
- Shuhei Fukunaga, Hajime Takayama, and Takashi Hikihara, Slew rate control of switching transient for SiC MOSFET in boost converter using digital active gate driver, IET Power Electronics (2022.10.18) doi
- Æ£¸¶Ä¾¼ù,Ä«»³Ï¹á,°ú¸¶Î´»Î,²¾ÁÛƱ´üȯÅŵ¡¤ò´Þ¤à¥Þ¥¤¥¯¥í¥°¥ê¥Ã¥É¤ÎÈùʬ¥²¡¼¥à¤Ë´ð¤Å¤¯°ÂÁ´±¿ÍÑ¡¤¥·¥¹¥Æ¥àÀ©¸æ¾ðÊó³Ø²ñÏÀʸ»ï, Vol.36, No.9,¡¡pp¡¥316¡Ý326 (2023).
- Hajime Takayama, Shuhei Fukunaga, and Takashi Hikihara: "Digital-twin-compatible Optimization of Switching Characteristics for SiC MOSFETs using Genetic Algorithm," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics. (accepted for publication, Jun-25-2023) doi
- ºØÆ£ÐÒÅÍ, ±öÌîͧÌé, ÅļÃι§, ¿·°æ¹À»Ö, °ú¸¶Î´»Î, º´Æ£ÀëÉ×, ÅÅÎϥѥ±¥Ã¥È¤òŬÍѤ·¤¿¶â°À½¥Ü¥Ç¥£ÄÌÅŤˤè¤ëÇÛÅŵ»½Ñ¤Î¸¡Æ¤¡¤Åŵ¤³Ø²ñÏÀʸ»ïD¡¤Vol.143, No.1 (accepted).
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