[[Japanese version is here.:http://www-lab23.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja]]

* Chair of Advanced Electrical Systems Theory [#t8ee1f34]

>  Welcome to the website of the Chair of Advanced Electrical Systems Theory in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan!

>  Our research interests include nonlinear dynamical systems and control and their applications to energy, mobility, and robotics. We aim to construct a foundation to extract mathematical and information structures embedded in a broad range of applications in electrical and electronic engineering, thereby analyzing real-world phenomena and creating new systems. Our research methods include theory, numerical computation (simulation, data analysis, algorithm development), experiments, and field demonstrations.  
>  Our research interests include nonlinear dynamical systems and control and their applications to energy, mobility, and robotics. We aim to construct a foundation to extract mathematical and information structures embedded in a broad range of applications in electrical and electronic engineering, thereby analyzing real-world phenomena and creating novel systems. Our research methods include theory, numerical computation (simulation, data analysis, algorithm development), experiments, and field demonstrations.  

>''TO STUDENTS FROM PI'':  If you wish to pursue a master's or PhD degree in our laboratory, you should first apply to the [[Admissions Assistance Office of Kyoto University:https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/education-campus/education-and-admissions/graduate-degree-programs/how-to-apply/for-graduates-of-overseas-universities]]. ''Please note that we will not reply to individual applications (or direct request) due to our busy schedules.''


** Contents [#lb99e0fc]

- [[Members>Members]]
- [[Research>Research]]
- [[Others>Related]]
- [[Website Policy]]


** Forthcoming Event [#f0221085]

** Past Events [#z0c87bf9]
- [[2022 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications:https://nolta2022.org]]
- [[2013 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications:http://www-lab23.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp/nolta2013/]]
- [[IUTAM Symposium on 50 Years of Chaos: Applied and Theoretical:http://www-lab23.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp/iutam2011/]]
- [[2010 International Workshop on Smart Energy Management:http://www-lab23.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp/iwsem2010/]]

> Number of Visitors (Since November 21, 2009); (Total) &counter(total);; (Today) &counter(today); (Yesterday) &counter(yesterday);

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