先端電気システム論セミナー †
2024年7月27日 (1/2) | 太田豊 博士 (eVooster CO. Ltd., CEO) | Title | エネルギー×モビリティが創造するスマートな社会システム | Abstract | エネルギー分野での分散型再生可能エネルギーの台頭と、モビリティ分野での分散型蓄電池搭載電気自動車の台頭の、シナジーやシンセシスについてその可能性を早くから見出し、学術研究、産学連携、社会実装の種まきなど数々進めてきました。そのまとめおよび日本の社会情勢や制度制約などから来るもどかしさなど率直にお話しします。諸外国がオーバーテークしてきている動向も見えますので、それらの最新動向も交えて研究の意義をお伝えできればと思います。 | 2024年7月27日 (2/2) | 萬成遥子 博士 (電力中央研究所 主任研究員) | Title | 配電系統の運用上のEVへの懸念と期待 | Abstract | 自動車の電動化が進み, 充電のための電力需要の増加が懸念されている一方で, 分散型エネルギーリソース(DER)としてのEVの活用に期待が寄せられています. とりわけ昨今の配電系統においては, 太陽光パネルの連系量増大に伴い電圧管理面で問題が発生しており, その問題解決への貢献が期待されています. 過去の検討をもとに, EVをDERとして活用する上で考慮しなければならない制約と, 配電系統の電圧管理への影響評価について紹介させていただきます. | 2024年7月18日 | Professor Alexandre Mauroy (University of Namur) | Title | A dual Koopman operator formulation in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces for stability analysis and state estimation | Abstract | The Koopman operator acts on observable functions defined over the state space of a dynamical system, thereby providing a linear global description of the system dynamics. A pointwise description of the system is recovered through a weak formulation, i.e. via the pointwise evaluation of observables at specific states. In this context, the use of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS) is of interest since the above evaluation can be represented as the duality pairing between the observables and bounded evaluation functionals. This representation emphasizes the relevance of a dual formulation for the Koopman operator, where a dual Koopman system governs the evolution of linear evaluation functionals. In this talk, we will report on two distinct works based on this dual formulation: global stability analysis and state estimation. First, we will present a systematic construction of Lyapunov functions based on the pointwise evaluation of Lyapunov functionals obtained for the dual Koopman system. For specific RKHS of analytic functions, this approach yields sufficient stability criteria that are directly expressed in terms of the Taylor expansion coefficients of the vector field. We will also show how stability results can be obtained from data by leveraging our new analytic extended dynamic mode decomposition (analytic EDMD) method. Second, we will build a Luenberger observer that estimates the (infinite-dimensional) state of the Koopman dual system, and equivalently the (finite-dimensional) state of the nonlinear dynamics. This theoretical result supports numerical Koopman operator-based estimation techniques known from the literature. | 2024年4月2日 (1/2) | Professor Hsiao-Dong Chiang (Cornel University) | Title | Optimal Power Flow Technology for Power Systems: Theory, Computation, and Practical Applications | Abstract | The goal of an optimal power flow (OPF) is to determine the "best" way to operate a power system. Usually “best” = minimizing operating cost or system power loss, while operational and engineering constraints are satisfied. According to a FERC of USA study, a good AC OPF solution engine can save tens of billions of dollars in the US alone every year. SuperOPF is a practical and powerful AC OPF solver, developed by Bigwood Systems Inc. under the sponsorship of Department of Energy, USA and several utility companies in the last 15 years. SuperOPF has been extensively evaluated on practical OPF models ranging from 15,000-bus models to Co-optimization problems with 250,000 control variables. Even though the theoretical foundation of SuperOPF is solid, it may occasionally fail to compute a AC OPF solution due to issues such as the non-existence of an OPF solution and bad initial starting points. To deal with these issues, we have developed theoretical foundation for feasible regions of AC OPF problems. In this talk, a complete characterization of the feasible region of OPF problems will be presented. This complete stability property enables the development of solution methods for identifying the existence/non-existence of feasible solutions. In addition, practical applications of SuperOPF to large-scale power systems such as the Tokyo Electric Power Company, Tokyo, Japan, and PJM Interconnection, PA, USA will be illustrated. | 2024年4月2日 (2/2) | Ms. Wei Tian (Tianjin University, China) | Title | A User-Centered Bounded State Estimation in Power Grids: Theory and Method | Abstract | This talk presents an overview of state estimation in power systems, including the mathematical problem formulation and relevant works on state estimation in modern power systems. State-of-the-art techniques and challenges for state estimation are discussed, including the application of pseudo-measurements, metering instrument placement, network topology issues, and the impacts of renewable energy penetration. Both conventional and modern data-driven and probabilistic techniques have been reviewed. To meet the desired requirements of operators/users, a user-centered bounded (UCB) state estimation (SE) model will be introduced in this presentation. A theoretical foundation will be provided for the proposed UCB SE model/formulation. Furthermore, a theory-based numerical method will be presented to solve the UCB SE problem. The proposed UCB SE method is highlighted to offer a new direction for improving the practical application of power system state estimation. | 備考 | 大阪公立大学電力システム研究グループとの共催 | 2023年2月24日 | Professor Enoch Yeung (UC Santa Barbara) | Title | Koopman Operator Methods for Modeling Complex Biological Networks from Data | Abstract | Biological networks in living cells are measured sparsely, both spatially and temporally. The advent of next generation sequencing methods enables profiling of large-scale biological networks with high-dimensional datasets. In this talk, I present our recent successes using and extending methods from Koopman operator theory to solve data-driven problems of sensor placement, sensor design, genetic marker identification, and finding hypercritical nodes for controlling growth rate in living cells. Lastly, I will overview our efforts to quantitatively reverse-engineer small-scale biological networks using our algorithm deep dynamic mode decomposition (deepDMD), including new theorems showing the effectiveness of mixed dictionaries in generating Koopman observable subspaces for approximating nonlinear governing equations. | 2022年10月21日 | Dr. John Koo (ASTRI) | Title | Digital Twins for Industrial Robotics | Abstract | |
旧引原研関係 Invited Lecture †
2018年3月26日 | Professor Vakhtang Putlkradze | Title | Variational approach to inertia, dissipation, and constraints realization | Abstract | We consider the problem of dissipative systems where the main part of dynamics can be described by Lagrangian methods. Such problems are frequently encountered in mechanical and electrical engineering problems. We shall focus mainly on the mechanical analogues of fluid-structure interaction, especially in the presence of friction. Variational approaches are particularly useful for deriving equations for arbitrary lagrangians. We discuss a variational approach to the dynamics of porous media by incorporating viscous forces in the variational principle. To elucidate the physics and mathematics of the problem, we study some simplified cases such as a pendulum with a moving viscous droplet. We show that the analog of Darcy's law for porous media (velocity proportional to force) in these simplified models comes from the short-term convergence to a 'constraint manifold' in a singular perturbation problem and the following long-term dynamics on that manifold. The resulting Darcy's law can reduce to either holonomic or non-holonomic constraint for the motion, depending on the physical realization. We then discuss the relevance of our results to other dissipative systems and outline methods that can be useful for other applications in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. | Photo | Vakhtang2018.jpg | Funding | JSPS | 2016年10月27日 | Professor Juan M. Rivas-Davila (Stanford Univ) | 題目 | TBA | 写真 | | 後援 | |
2016年06月07日 | 南 裕樹 先生 (奈良先端科学技術大学院大学) | 題目 | 制御のためのノイズシェーピング技術〜動的量子化器と予測ガバナ〜 | 写真 | | 後援 | |
2014年06月17日 | 谷口 綾子 氏 (大阪大学) | 題目 | 都市家庭部門エネルギーエンドユースモデルの開発と省エネルギー政策評価への応用 | 写真 | | 後援 | |
2013年10月30日 | Prof. Nejila Parspour (Institute of Electrical Energy Conversion, University of Stuttgart) | 題目 | Contactless Energy Transfer - Physical principles, technological set up and existing systems | 写真 | Lecture20131030.jpg | 後援 | |
2013年10月15日 | Prof. Igor Mezic (UCSB) | 題目 | Analysis of Dynamical Systems Using Koopman Operator Method | 写真 | Lecture20131015.jpg | 後援 | CREST |
2013年6月13日 | 平田 研二 先生 (長岡科学技術大学) | 題目 | 価格を利用した分散システムの最適運用状態への誘導に関する考察 | 写真 | | 後援 | |
2013年6月12日 | 松嶋 徹 先生 (京都大学) | 題目 | 電子機器から生じる電磁雑音の高速予測法および低減設計法 | 写真 | | 後援 | |
2012年11月20日 | Professor S.G. Rump (Hamburg University of Technology) | 題目 | Componentwise error bounds for the solution of least squares problems and underdetermined linear systems | 写真 | | 後援 | |
2011年7月27日 | 平田 研二 先生 (長岡科学技術大学) | 題目 | 斜面災害監視用センサーネットワークの起動・停止制御 | 写真 | | 後援 | |
2011年1月21日 | 大曲 祐子 氏 (大阪大学) | 題目 | 電力系統の安定性を説明する機械的立体(野田)モデルの実験的検証 | 場所 | 京大桂キャンパス・引原研究室(A1-415) | 後援 | |
2010年8月31日 | 津村 幸治 先生 (東京大学) | 題目 | 量子フィードバック制御理論の基礎 | 場所 | 京大桂キャンパス・第一講義室(A1-001) | 後援 | G-COE & KiDS |
2009年8月20日 | Dr. Atsuto Maki (Toshiba Research Europe, Cambridge Research Laboratory) | 題目 | ランダムフォレストによるクラスタリング | 写真 | Dr_Maki01.jpg Dr_Maki02.jpg | 後援 | |
2009年4月8日 | Prof. C. K. Michael Tse (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) | 題目 | Interconnected Converters: Some Theory and Applications | 写真 | Dr_Tse01.jpg Dr_Tse02.jpg | 後援 | IEEE/LEOS関西支部 & G-COE |
2008年10月29日 | Prof. Visarath In (San Diego State University) | 題目 | Coupled Overdamped Bistable Systems and Applications | 写真 | Dr_In.jpg | 後援 | KiDS & GCOE |
2008年10月1日 | Dr. Leo Lorenz (Infineon Technology) | 題目 | Fast Switching Power Semiconductor Devices | 写真 | Dr_Lorenz.jpg | 後援 | GCOE |
2008年9月24日 | Prof. Joachim Oberhammer (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) | 題目 | FRF and microwave MEMS activities at KTH Royal Institute of Technology | 写真 | Dr_Oberhammer.jpg | 後援 | GCOE |
2008年5月23日 | Prof. Ho Bun Chan (Univ. of Florida) | 題目 | Fluctuational phenomena in micromechanical systems - from Casimir effect to activated switching | 写真 | Chan01.jpg Chan02.jpg | 後援 | GCOE |
2008年4月4日 | Prof. Vakhtang Putkaradze (Colorado State Univ.) | 題目 | Continuum models for self-organization of micro- and nano-particles and dynamical models for biological curves | 写真 | R0011123s.jpg | 後援 | GCOE |
2007年3月31日 | Prof. Marian Wiercigroch (University of Aberdeen, College of Physical Sciences) | 題目 | Dynamics of Non-smooth Systems | 写真 | | 後援 | KiDS |
2006年12月7日 | Dr. Pawel Pilarcyzk (Kyoto University, Mathematics Department) | 題目 | Computational Dynamics and Cubical Homology | 写真 | | 後援 | |
2006年8月17日 | Prof. Igor Mezic (Mechanical Engineering Department, University of California, Santa Barbara) | 題目 | Biomolecules as nonlinear oscillators: Life-enabling dynamics | 写真 | | 後援 | KiDS, 21世紀COEプログラム講演会 |
2006年7月12日 | Prof. Vakhtang Putkaradze (Colorado State University, Mathematics Department) | 題目 | Mathematical models of self-aggregation of particles at nano-scales (or cheerios at 50 nanometers) | 写真 | | 後援 | KiDS, 21世紀COEプログラム講演会 |
2006年6月23日 | Prof. Juan Carlos Balda (University of Arkansas) | 題目 | The Next Generation of Power Electronics Interfaces for High Power and High Voltage Distribution System Applications | 写真 | | 後援 | 21世紀COEプログラム講演会 |
2006年5月23日 | Prof. Alan Mantooth (University of Arkansas) | 題目 | Silicon Carbide Research Into High-Voltage Power Electronics for Extreme Environments | 写真 | | 後援 | 21世紀COEプログラム講演会 |