Takashi Hikihara Japanese Page
- Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University, Department of Electrical Engineering (Advanced Electrical Systems Theory Lab)
- Executive Vice-President for Information Infrastructure and Library Management
- Director of IIMC, Kyoto University (2021.4-present)
Research Field †
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Electrical Engineering (power electronics, power network engineering, etc)
- System Control
Research Projects †
Nonlinear Dynamics †
- Analysis of nonlinear system
- Control of nonlinear system
- Reachability analysis of nonlinear system
- Applications of nonlinear coupled resonators
- Coupled MEMS sensor, Mechanical computing
- Network dynamics
Electric Power Network and System †
- Application of distributed power sources,
- Power packetization and routing
Power Processing and System Control †
- Applications of wide bandgap semiconductor power devices,
- Development of high frequency gate drives and its applications
Emergent Topics †
- Energy and Entropy
- Reservoir Computing
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