
** Upcoming [#i411eb35]
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** Invited Lecture [#y2a1e404]

** Past (2006-) [#k245eb86]

** Past [#k245eb86]
|Mar. 26, 2018|Professor Vakhtang Putkradze|
|Title|Variational approach to inertia, dissipation, and constraints realization|
|Photo|&ref(Vakhtang2018.jpg,noimg); |
|Oct.27, 2016|Professor Juan M. Rivas-Davila (Stanford Univ) |
|June 7, 2016| Prof. Hiroki Minami (NAIST)|
|Title|Noise shaping technique for control|
|June 17, 2014|Ayako Taniguchi(Osaka Univ.)|
|Nov. 8, 2013|Seminar|
|Oct. 30. 2013| Prof. Nejila Parspour (Institute of Electrical Energy Conversion, University of Stuttgart)|
||Contactless Energy Transfer - Physical principles, technological set up and existing systems|
|Oct. 15. 2013| Prof. Igor Mezic (UCSB)|
||Analysis of Dynamical Systems Using Koopman Operator Methods|
|Oct. 29. 2008| Prof. Visarath In (San Diego State University)|
||Coupled Overdamped Bistable Systems and Applications|
||KiDS & GCOE|
|Oct. 1, 2008| Prof. Dr. Leo Lorenz (Infineon Technology)|
||Fast Switching Power Semiconductor Devices|
|Sept. 24, 2008|Prof. Joachim Oberhammer (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)|
||FRF and microwave MEMS activities at KTH Royal Institute of Technology|
|May 23, 2008|Prof. Ho Bun Chan (Univ. of Florida)|
||Fluctuational phenomena in micromechanical systems - from Casimir effect to activated switching |
|April 4, 2008|Prof. Vakhtang Putkaradze (Colorado State Univ.)|
||Continuum models for self-organization of micro- and nano-particles and dynamical models for biological curves|
|Jun. 20, 2007| Dr. Akio Hasegawa (ATR)|
||Wireless Networks and Their Nonlinearity|
|Mar. 31, 2007| Prof. Marian Wiercigroch (University of Aberdeen, College of Physical Sciences)|
||Dynamics of Non-smooth Systems|
|Mar. 11, 2007| Prof. Toru Namerikawa (Kanazawa University)|
||Topics on Control Engineering (in Japanese)|
|Dec.  7, 2006| Dr. Pawel Pilarcyzk (Kyoto University, Mathematics Department)|
|| Computational Dynamics and Cubical Homology|
|Aug. 17, 2006| Prof. Igor Mezic (Mechanical Engineering Department, University of California, Santa Barbara)|
||Biomolecules as nonlinear oscillators: Life-enabling dynamics|
|Jul. 12, 2006| Prof. Vakhtang Putkaradze (Colorado State University, Mathematics Department)|
|| Mathematical models of self-aggregation of particles at nano-scales (or cheerios at 50 nanometers)|
|Jun. 23, 2006| Prof. Juan Carlos Balda (University of Arkansas)|
||The Next Generation of Power Electronics Interfaces for High Power and High Voltage Distribution System Applications |
|May. 23, 2006| Prof. Alan Mantooth (University of Arkansas)|
||Silicon Carbide Research Into High-Voltage Power Electronics for Extreme Environments|

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