[[Japanese version is here.:http://www-lab23.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja]]

* Power Conversion & System Control Lab [#m5c1ee89]
>Welcome to Hikihara's Lab., Department of Electrical Engineering, Kyoto University!

>We are studying on nonlinear dynamics and control, its engineering applications to power conversion and processing, nano-mechanical systems, and power networks.  We insist that our research covers from fundamental science to system through devices.  You may begin with any entrance and exit where you want, depending on your grade.  

** [[IUTAM Symposium on "50 Years of Chaos: Applied and Theoretical":http://www-lab23.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp/iutam2011/]] [#b660e7b4]

** Contents [#lb99e0fc]
- [[Recent News>News]]!!
- [[Message from Professor Hikihara>Message]]

- [[Research Activities>Research]]
- [[Seminars>Seminar]]
- [[Members>Members]]

** To Students who intend to study in our group [#ge991110]

>We are always waiting for graduate students who eager to study in our group.  However, our standpoint is not the same as usual power electronics and motor drive related approach.  The application of the power apparatuses are not our field.  Then, we can not accept these students who intend to study them.  Because these are far from PhD degree anymore.  Once again, in this phase, power engineering fields, incuding conventional power system engineering and vanilla power electronics, are out of our scope.  The students are requested the background of Mathematics, Physics and Control Theory.

** Contact Information [#j10a44fe]
>Please contact Professor Hikihara for any question.

>Professor Takashi HIKIHARA, D.Eng.

>Electrical Engineering Department, Kyoto University, Katsura, Nishikyo, 615-8510 JAPAN



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